
Why Use Direct Mail Postcards

Postcards continue to be one of the most versatile options in direct mail marketing. They offer a quick, affordable way to create intelligent, condensed direct mail campaigns. They work just as well when combined with traditional direct mail packages. Most importantly, with a bit of innovation, postcards can break through the clutter and deliver direct marketing messages to your audience instantaneously. And now you can be sure you’re using them effectively!

Ten Reasons To Use Postcards / Direct Mail

  • Saturation. Not everyone subscribes to the newspaper. Not everyone listens to the radio at the same time, on the same station. Not everyone watches TV or browses the Internet. But we all get the mail – every day. Direct mail is the only medium where you can virtually reach every household in your community.


  • You choose where your message appears. With other media, your message runs wherever it will fit – even right next to your competition – unless you’re willing to pay top dollar to secure a specific spot. Direct mail gives you complete control: you know exactly where (whose mailboxes) your message will hit.


  • Drive brand awareness. Create a series of postcard mailings for campaigns geared toward establishing or strengthening your relationship with your customers and prospects.


  • Drive traffic to your website. Announce new and improved features on your website or new products or services available online.


  • Advertise current and upcoming promotions. Inform your customers of your latest offer or monthly specials.


  • Show your appreciation. Thank customers for their purchases or donations and encourage a second purchase.


  • Follow up with attendees after an event. Use postcards to offer discounts and educational materials or promote upcoming events.


  • Generating more business. Advertise to prospects or existing customers, especially in downtimes. Postcards are cost-effective and get attention.


  • Develop a strategic loyalty campaign. Build stronger relationships with your existing customers with variable data printed postcards.


  • Reaching social media followers. Send your Twitter followers, LinkedIn colleagues, and Facebook fans a non-digital surprise. They’ll love it.
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